Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

All original Singer Featherweight motors are 60+ years old. Although many still run the sewing machine most need to be reconditioned in order to operate properly and to last another 60+years.

Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

The motors on all our Featherweights, both 221 and 222K machines, are reconditioned.

First the motor is taken apart and the motor brushes are checked and replaced with original vintage Singer Featherweight brushes if needed.

Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

The brush contact points on the armature are covered in, for want of a better term, crud. This affects the motor brush contacts ability to conduct electricity and consequently, motor performance.

Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

We turn and clean the armature motor brush contact points so that the motor can run as it should.

Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

The motor is then reassembled and bench tested before being put back onto the Singer Featherweight.

Singer Featherweight motor reconditioning.

Almost no-one selling 221 and 222K Featherweights reconditions the Featherweight motors.

Motor reconditioning is just one of the many ways our Featherweights stand apart from other Featherweights that are available to purchase.

Reconditioning the motor is just one of many reasons why you should consider buying a Featherweight from us. Buy the best.
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